Mini Grants for Computing and Secure Data Analysis


PDHP Mini Grants for Computing and Secure Data Analysis are intended to provide PDHP faculty affiliates with scalable, flexible, and customizable high-performance computing environments for their research projects — over the entire range of data processing and security needs. Examples of appropriate uses include access to high performance computing, specialized software, and large-scale and/or secure data storage. Priority will be given to pilot projects leading to NIH grant proposals, new investigators, and others who do not already have external funding to support these needs.


This program is restricted to PDHP Faculty Affiliates, with priority given to early stage investigators, new researchers joining PDHP, and those without another active PDHP small grant award. To become a PDHP faculty affiliate, please visit

The PI will be required to submit a final report at the end of the period of research.

Funds Available

We expect to fund 4-6 awards of up to $3,000 (direct costs only) each.

Application and Submission

Applications should be submitted via the PDHP website. A complete application includes the following components:

  1. A Mini Seed Grant application form
  2. A brief description of the request for funding, no more than two pages long (11 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font; margins of at least ½ inch)

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, applying the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated need
  • Likely scientific contribution from the research
  • Potential for the proposed work to lead to new proposals for external funding