Tools For Reproducible Research

Alexandru Cernat

March 28, 2022

Tools For Reproducible Research by Alexandru Cernat

Please join as we conduct a new PDHP workshop titled “Tools For Reproducible Research”, presented by Alexandru Cernat (associate professor of social statistics, University of Manchester). This half-day workshop will cover the main concepts of reproducible research as well as best practices in the field (including meta-analyses, pre-registration, and sensitivity analysis), while mixing both lecture and practical application. Attendees will also get hands-on practice with state-of-the-art tools of reproducible research, such as research project management using R/RStudio and version control using Github.

Topics include:

  • Challenges to social research such as publication bias and specification bias
  • Solutions to the reproducibility crisis: meta-analyses, pre-registration, and sensitivity analysis
  • Tools for better research workflows: project management (via Rprojects and the renv package), version control via Github, and dynamic documents (via git, usethis and Rmarkdown)

Slides & Lab Materials:

Workshop slides available here
Technical Guide available here
Sample R script creating dynamic document using rmarkdown


This workshop relies on R/RStudio and Git

––R software (required)
––R Studio (strongly recommended)
––Git software (required)
––R packages RMarkdown and usethis (all required; install code below)

## install packages

References & additional resources:
